Multiple Categories

Multiple Categories are implemented on version 1.2.0. If you already have previous version of Komper plugin prior to version 1.2.0 installed on your wordpress, there are a few things to do after updating Komper plugin to the latest version (v.1.2.0). Create some...


1. To display products table: [komper pid=1,2,3 category=1 fid=1,2,3] pid = list product id you want to display, you can find the product id on product list table at Komper setting page. category = category id of the related product to display, you can find the...


Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or using wordpress auto installation at “Plugins – Add New” Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress Go to (Settings – Komper Settings) Activate Komper...


How to install it? Go to Installation page.   How to use it? You must create fields first. Go to (Settings – Komper Settings), and on tab Field List add some fields. Fields is your product’s spesification. You can create as many as you like. But you...